500 Years of Brazil
Divisão de Bibliotecas e Documentação

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The Works

COLECCION de Los Viajes y Descubrimientos que Hicieron     por Mar Los Españoles. Coordinada é ilustrada por Don     Martin Fernandez de Navarrete. Madrid:Imprenta     Nacional, 1858.

Co-ordinated and illustrated by the Spanish navigator and writer Don Martin Fernandez de Navarrete (1765-1844), this Coleccion de los Viajes y Descubrimientos que hicieron por mar los Españoles was published in five volumes between 1825 and 1837. 

The collection presents the history of the Spanish voyages and discoveries through numerous letters and diplomatic documents that were used to support the so-called "Spanish claims" with regard to the Discovery of Brazil

The Coleccion contains a chronological index of the documents.